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a profitable business

  • 1 profitable business

    English-Russian base dictionary > profitable business

  • 2 profitable business

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > profitable business

  • 3 profitable business

    выгодная торговля (сделки, операции)

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > profitable business

  • 4 profitable business

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > profitable business

  • 5 profitable business

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > profitable business

  • 6 profitable business

    עסק רווחי, עסק מכניס
    * * *
    סינכמ קסע, יחוור קסע

    English-Hebrew dictionary > profitable business

  • 7 Profitable business

    عملية مربحة

    English-Arabic economic glossary > Profitable business

  • 8 profitable business

    winstgevende zaak

    English-Dutch dictionary > profitable business

  • 9 profitable business

    vinstgivande företag

    English-Swedish dictionary > profitable business

  • 10 profitable business

    • unosan posao

    English-Serbian dictionary > profitable business

  • 11 profitable business

    выгодная сделка; прибыльный бизнес

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > profitable business

  • 12 profitable business

    выгодная сделка; прибыльный бизнес

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > profitable business

  • 13 profitable business

    1 negocio redondo.
    2 empresa rentable.

    Nuevo Diccionario Inglés-Español > profitable business

  • 14 (a) profitable business

    1) a profitable/prosperous business прибыльная торговля
    2) a profitable (moderate, small) business доходное (скромное, небольшое) предприятие/дело
    3) a profitable business/enterprise доходное/выгодное дело

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) profitable business

  • 15 ours is a profitable business

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > ours is a profitable business

  • 16 the prospect of a profitable business

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the prospect of a profitable business

  • 17 to build up a profitable business

    • ein einträgliches Geschäft aufbauen

    English-German correspondence dictionary > to build up a profitable business

  • 18 ♦ business

    ♦ business /ˈbɪznəs/
    1 [u] affare, affari; attività commerciale; commercio: Business is booming, gli affari vanno a gonfie vele; to do business with sb., fare affari con q.; We're doing less business than last year, la nostra attività è diminuita rispetto all'anno scorso; to go into business, darsi agli affari; mettersi in affari; to go out of business, cessare l'attività; ritirarsi dall'attività; fallire; to get down to business, mettersi al lavoro; mettersi sotto; to start a business, avviare (o aprire) un'attività; to transact business, trattare affari; He is no longer in business, non è più in affari; business activity, attività commerciale; business trip, viaggio d'affari; business associate, collega d'affari; socio; the business community, il mondo degli affari; business executive, dirigente d'impresa (di alto livello); business letter, lettera commerciale; lettera d'affari; business model, modello imprenditoriale
    2 [u] attività; lavoro; occupazione; ramo (d'affari): a profitable business, un'attività che rende bene; What business are you in?, che attività svolgi?; to be back in business, avere ripreso l'attività; ( di negoziante) avere riaperto; I'm here on business, sono qui per affari; the insurance business, il ramo delle assicurazioni; le assicurazioni; He's in the oil business, lavora nel ramo petrolifero; si occupa di petrolio; core business, attività tipica o principale ( di un'azienda)
    3 azienda; compagnia; impresa; ditta: He's running a small business, ha una piccola attività; dirige una piccola azienda; They have sold their business, hanno venduto la ditta; a family business, un'impresa familiare; a delivery business, una ditta di consegne a domicilio
    4 [u] compito; dovere; cosa che spetta, che tocca: It's my business to make sure things are running smoothly, è compito mio assicurarmi che tutto funzioni; You had no business changing the date, non avevi nessun diritto di (o non toccava a te) cambiare la data
    5 (solo sing.) faccenda; affare; cosa; storia: a strange business, una strana faccenda; a risky business, una cosa rischiosa; I'm fed up with the whole business, sono stufo di tutta la faccenda; What a business!, che roba!; che storia!; to go about one's business, occuparsi delle proprie faccende; to have unfinished business ( with sb.), avere una questione in sospeso (con q.); That's none of your business ( o That's no business of yours), non è affar tuo; la faccenda non ti riguarda; DIALOGO → - Discussing an election- Mind your own business!, fatti gli affari tuoi!; bada agli affari (o ai fatti) tuoi!
    6 [u] cosa da fare; cosa all'ordine del giorno: What is your business with him?, che hai a fare con lui?; the business of the meeting, l'ordine del giorno della riunione; to make it one's business to do st., preoccuparsi di fare qc.
    7 [u] (teatr.) azione mimica
    8 (fam.) the business, tutto quanto
    9 (come pred.) ( slang GB) the business, una cosa fantastica; una roba straordinaria; ( anche) autentico, genuino: This bike's the business!, questa moto è fantastica!
    10 [u] (eufem., GB) bisogni (pl.) ( di animale)
    business address, indirizzo d'ufficio; recapito □ business administration, gestione aziendale □ business agent, agente (o procacciatore) d'affari □ business angel angel, def. 3 □ (econ.) business barometer, barometro economico □ business card, biglietto da visita ( professionale) □ (aeron.) business class, business class □ (econ.) business climate, situazione congiunturale □ business college, scuola aziendale □ (econ.) business combine, concentrazione di aziende □ business consultant, commercialista; consulente d'impresa □ (econ.) business cycle, ciclo economico □ business day, giorno lavorativo □ business economics, economia aziendale □ business economist, aziendalista □ (fam.) business end, estremità funzionante ( di un oggetto); punta; apertura; bocca: the business end of a knife, la punta di un coltello; Where's the business end of this thing?, da che parte si usa questo affare? □ business ethics, comportamento professionale; deontologia □ business game, gestione simulata ( di aziende, affari, ecc.) □ business hours, orario d'ufficio; orario di esercizio; orario di apertura □ business law, diritto commerciale □ business leader, capitano d'industria □ business lunch, pranzo (o colazione) d'affari □ business management, gestione aziendale; amministrazione degli affari □ business manager, dirigente aziendale □ business mathematics, computisteria □ business name, nome dell'azienda; ragione sociale □ (econ.) business outlook, congiuntura □ business park, zona commerciale ( di una città) □ business person, uomo o donna d'affari □ business premises, locali ( di un'azienda) □ business recovery, ripresa dell'attività commerciale □ ( USA) business reply mail, servizio di risposta affrancata □ business school, scuola aziendale □ (comput.) business software, software per le aziende □ (comm.) business strategy, strategia aziendale □ business studies, (studi di) amministrazione aziendale □ ( USA) business suit, (abito) completo □ business survey, indagine congiunturale □ (org. az.) business-to-business (abbr. B2B, b2b), (relativo a) transazioni commerciali elettroniche di beni e servizi tra aziende □ (org. az.) business-to-consumer (abbr. B2C, b2c), (relativo a) transazioni commerciali elettroniche di beni e servizi tra aziende e consumatori finali □ (econ.) business trends, tendenze congiunturali; evoluzione (sing.) della congiuntura □ business unit, unità operativa ( che può essere identificata come centro di profitti) □ business visitor, operatore ( a una fiera, ecc.) □ (fin., rag.) business year, anno sociale; esercizio □ (econ.) big business, la grande industria; il grande capitale □ (fam.) to do the business, funzionare; avere successo; riuscire □ ( slang USA) to give sb. the business, picchiare q., suonarle a q.; dirne quattro a q., dare una ripassata a q.; uccidere q., accoppare q.; imbrogliare q.Good business!, bene!; ben fatto! □ (fam.) We're in business!, siamo pronti (a cominciare)!; siamo a posto!; siamo a cavallo! □ (fam.) to be in the business of, occuparsi di; avere intenzione di; avere come scopo: We're in the business of winning, il nostro scopo è vincere; I'm not in the business of paying for everybody, non intendo pagare per tutti □ (fam.) like nobody's business, benissimo; moltissimo; a gran velocità; a tutto spiano □ to make a great business of st., fare qc. in modo ostentato; fare qc. facendo una gran scena □ (fam.) to mean business, fare sul serio; non scherzare □ poor business, affari magri; ( anche) cattivo modo di condurre gli affari □ to set up in business, mettere su un'attività propria; mettersi in proprio (o per conto proprio) □ to talk business, parlare d'affari; (fig.) parlare di lavoro, parlare di bottega □ Business as usual, l'attività si svolge normalmente; tutto è come al solito; è tornata la normalità; ( cartello su un negozio: dopo una calamità, ecc.) siamo aperti □ (prov.) Business is business, gli affari sono affari □ (prov.) Business before pleasure, prima il dovere, poi il piacere NOTA D'USO: - activity o business?-.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ business

  • 19 business

    agency business агентский бизнес ailing business предприятие, испытывающее финансовые трудности any other business любой другой вид деятельности banking business банк banking business банковские операции banking business банковское дело banking business операции банка business дело, занятие; the business of the day (или meeting) повестка дня; on business по делу; to be out of business обанкротиться brokerage business посредническая контора burgeoning business процветающая фирма business attr. практический, деловой; the business end практическая, наиболее важная сторона дела business attr. практический, деловой; the business end практическая, наиболее важная сторона дела business executives руководящий административный персонал; "капитаны" промышленности executive: business амер. должностное лицо, руководитель, администратор (фирмы, компании); business executives представители деловых кругов business hours часы торговли или приема hours: business business рабочие часы business business часы работы биржи business business часы работы предприятия business business часы торговли business in futures фьючерсные сделки business index индекс деловой активности business interests деловой мир, деловые круги business of one's own собственное дело business of one's own собственное предприятие business дело, занятие; the business of the day (или meeting) повестка дня; on business по делу; to be out of business обанкротиться business of the day повестка дня business =busyness busyness: busyness занятость, деловитость commercial business сфера торгового предпринимательства commercial business торговля commercial business торговое предпринимательство commission business комиссионная торговля commission business посредническая контора commission business предпринимательство на комиссионной основе conduct a business руководить делом consumer business сделка с клиентом contango business бирж. сделка с отсрочкой расчета contract business контрактная сделка craftsman's business ремесленное предприятие credit business предоставление кредита custody business безопасное хранение ценностей клиентов в банке debt collecting business инкассаторская служба deposit-taking business депозитное учреждение direct business прямая сделка direct business торговая сделка без посредников do business вести торговые дела do business делать дела dollar conversion business контора по обмену долларов domestic business внутренний бизнес domestic business местное предприятие entrepreneurial business предпринимательская деятельность entrepreneurial business предпринимательство error regarding type of business ошибка в отношении типа дела established business существующее предприятие everybody's business is nobody's business = у семи нянек дитя без глазу; mind you own business! не ваше дело!; занимайтесь своим делом! export business экспорт export business экспортная деятельность foreign business иностранное предприятие foreign exchange business валютные операции foreign exchange business валютные сделки foreign exchange business компания, ведущая валютные операции forward business бирж. срочные сделки freelance business работа без контракта futures business бирж. сделки на срок futures business бирж. срочные сделки futures business бирж. срочные торговые операции business пренебр. дело, история; I am sick of the whole business мне вся эта история надоела import business занятие импортом import business импортная сделка income from business доход от предпринимательства indirect business дополнительный вид деятельности insurance business страховое дело insurance business страховое предпринимательство insurance business страховой бизнес, страховое дело interest arbitrage business сделка с процентным арбитражем international business международная торговля it has done his business это его доконало joint business совместное предприятие lawful business законная сделка lending business кредитный бизнес lending business ссудный бизнес mail-order business предприятие посылочной торговли business обязанность; право; to make it one's business считать своей обязанностью; you had no business to do it вы не имели основания, права это делать man of business агент, поверенный man of business деловой человек margin business спекулятивная сделка на разницу, сделка с маржей to mean business говорить всерьез; иметь серьезные намерения; браться (за что-л.) серьезно, решительно mean: to business business разг. браться (за что-л.) серьезно, решительно to business business разг. говорить всерьез everybody's business is nobody's business = у семи нянек дитя без глазу; mind you own business! не ваше дело!; занимайтесь своим делом! moneylending business операции по кредитованию mortgage credit business операции по ипотечному кредиту new business новая компания new business новая фирма off-balance sheet business внебалансовая сделка official business служебное дело oil business нефтяной бизнес old business выч. давно существующая компания business дело, занятие; the business of the day (или meeting) повестка дня; on business по делу; to be out of business обанкротиться on-balance sheet business сбалансированная сделка one-man business индивидуальный бизнес one-man business предприятие с одним занятым own business собственное дело private business частное дело profitable business выгодное дело profitable business прибыльный бизнес prosperous business преуспевающее предприятие publishing business издательское дело real estate business сделка с недвижимостью real property business операции с недвижимостью real property business сделки с недвижимостью registration business регистрационная деятельность reinsurance business перестрахование rental business арендная сделка retail business розничная торговля retail business розничное предприятие seasonal business сезонное занятие security deposit business учреждение, принимающее на хранение ценные бумаги to send (smb.) about his business прогонять, выпроваживать (кого-л.); what is your business here? что вам здесь надо? service business предприятие сферы обслуживания set up business основывать дело business бизнес; коммерческая деятельность; to set up in business начать торговое дело shipowning business судоходная компания small business малое предприятие small business мелкий бизнес small business мелкое предпринимательство spot business кассовая сделка spot business сделка за наличные spot business сделка на наличный товар spot business сделка на реальный товар spot business сделка на товар с немедленной сдачей storage business складской бизнес thriving business преуспевающее предприятие timber business торговля лесоматериалами unitary business предприятие в единой системе налогообложения urban business деловая жизнь города volume banking business банковские услуги, предлагаемые широкому кругу клиентов warehousing business складское дело weekend business предприятие, работающее в выходные дни to send (smb.) about his business прогонять, выпроваживать (кого-л.); what is your business here? что вам здесь надо? wholesale business оптовая торговля wholesale business оптовое предприятие business обязанность; право; to make it one's business считать своей обязанностью; you had no business to do it вы не имели основания, права это делать

    English-Russian short dictionary > business

  • 20 profitable

    1) (lucrative) rentabel; einträglich
    2) (beneficial) lohnend [Unternehmung, Zeitvertreib, Kauf]; nützlich [Studium, Diskussion, Verhandlung, Nachforschungen]
    * * *
    adjective ((negative unprofitable) giving profit: The deal was quite profitable; a profitable experience.) gewinnbringend
    * * *
    [ˈprɒfɪtəbl̩, AM ˈprɑ:fɪt̬-]
    1. (in earnings) Gewinn bringend, rentabel, profitabel
    \profitable business einträgliches Geschäft
    \profitable investment lohnende [o Gewinn bringende] Investition
    2. (advantageous) nützlich, vorteilhaft
    to make \profitable use of one's time seine Zeit sinnvoll nutzen, mit seiner Zeit etw Sinnvolles anfangen
    * * *
    adj (COMM)
    gewinn- or profitbringend, Gewinn or Profit bringend, rentabel, profitabel; (fig = beneficial) nützlich, vorteilhaft

    could you not find a more profitable way of spending your time?kannst du nichts Besseres mit deiner Zeit anfangen?

    * * *
    profitable adj (adv profitably)
    1. gewinnbringend, einträglich, lohnend, rentabel:
    be profitable sich rentieren;
    sell sth profitably etwas mit Gewinn verkaufen
    2. vorteilhaft, nützlich ( beide:
    to für), nutzbringend
    * * *
    1) (lucrative) rentabel; einträglich
    2) (beneficial) lohnend [Unternehmung, Zeitvertreib, Kauf]; nützlich [Studium, Diskussion, Verhandlung, Nachforschungen]
    * * *
    nutzbringend adj.
    vorteilhaft adj.
    wirtschaftlich adj.

    English-german dictionary > profitable

См. также в других словарях:

  • profitable business — business that yields a financial profit …   English contemporary dictionary

  • profitable — prof‧it‧a‧ble [ˈprɒftəbl ǁ ˈprɑː ] adjective FINANCE 1. producing a useful result: • I thought the meeting was very profitable. 2. producing a profit: • Innovation has made Sidek one of Mexico s most profitable companies. • Recycling automotive …   Financial and business terms

  • Business acumen — is a concept pertaining to a person s knowledge and ability to make profitable business decisions. Originating within corporate learning and development circles, Charan, Ram. [http://www.strategy business.com/press/freearticle/06106?pg=7… …   Wikipedia

  • Profitable — Prof it*a*ble, a. [F. profitable.] Yielding or bringing profit or gain; gainful; lucrative; useful; helpful; advantageous; beneficial; as, a profitable trade; profitable business; a profitable study or profession. [1913 Webster] What was so… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • profitable — prof|it|a|ble [ prafıtəbl ] adjective ** 1. ) making a profit: a profitable business/company/investment highly/very profitable: Some of their new electronic products are highly profitable. a ) likely to increase your profits: profitable… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • profitable */*/ — UK [ˈprɒfɪtəb(ə)l] / US [ˈprɑfɪtəb(ə)l] adjective 1) a) making a profit a profitable business/company/investment highly/very profitable: Some of their new electronic products are highly profitable. b) likely to increase your profits profitable… …   English dictionary

  • profitable — [[t]prɒ̱fɪtəb(ə)l[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: oft it v link ADJ to inf A profitable organization or practice makes a profit. Drug manufacturing is the most profitable business in America... It was profitable for them to produce large amounts of food.… …   English dictionary

  • profitable — prof|it|a|ble [ˈprɔfıtəbəl US ˈpra: ] adj producing a profit or a useful result ≠ ↑unprofitable ▪ The advertising campaign proved very profitable. ▪ a highly profitable business ▪ a profitable afternoon >profitably adv …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • profitable — adjective producing a profit or a useful result: The advertising campaign proved very profitable. | a highly profitable business | a profitable afternoon opposite unprofitable profitably adverb …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • profitable — [ˈprɒfɪtəb(ə)l] adj 1) making a profit Ant: unprofitable a profitable business/company/investment[/ex] 2) giving you a benefit or advantage The trip should be an enjoyable and profitable experience.[/ex] profitability [ˌprɒfɪtəˈbɪləti] noun [U]… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Business idea — A business idea is a concept which can be used for commercial purposes.It typically centers around a commodity or service that can be sold for money, according to a unique model.There are several methods for developing and testing business idea.… …   Wikipedia

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